IFWA, Calgary's Imaginative Fiction Writers Association invites you to submit your original written works of speculative fiction to our 2011 short story contest In Places Between. We have Adult and Student categories. IFWA will hold the contest in conjunction with the new When Words Collide speculative fiction convention to promote the writing and enjoyment of popular fiction in all its forms. Contest Rules and Requirements
All stories will be read and rated to provide the top five stories. All remaining submissions will be returned via a SASE to the authors (electronically if possible) along with a short critique of the work with notes as to where certain improvements could be made. Mark the manuscript disposable if all you want is the critique mailed back to you (fewer stamps).
The top authors should contact us about day passes to the convention if they want to attend, if they are not already going. The top stories will be included in the annual In Places Between Short Story chapbook publication. A copy of this publication will be provided to each of the top authors.
Last update: Mon Apr 2 12:59:50 MDT 2012 |
In Places BetweenThe Robyn Herrington Memorial Short Fiction Competition |
The competition was named in memory of one of Calgary's brightest, up-and-coming sf stars, Robyn Meta Herrington, who, on May 03, 2004, passed away following a 2-year battle with cancer. Robyn lived a life too big to be contained by mere mortality. What better way might there be to extend her vigor, humour, and generosity than to have a science fiction and fantasy short story competition held in her name? (The contest's name is derived from one of Robyn's own stories, In Places Between.) Prior to her passing, Robyn was very active writing (among her mentors were Mike Resnik and Robert J. Sawyer), as a member of Calgary's sf workshop group, the Imaginative Fiction Writers Association and with various on-line critting groups. She also immersed herself in the local sf convention, Con-Version. Shortly before her diagnosis, Robyn and fellow IFWit Linda Berry made a bold decision: they assumed control of the convention short story contest (which was to be discontinued) with a view to attracting entrants from around the globe. Through their efforts, the contest is now independent of the con, responsible for its own publicity and fundraising. Robyn's absence is sorely felt. On June 3, 2004, the IFWA membership voted to take the contest under the group's wing as a means of safeguarding Robyn's legacy. It is our intention to maintain the healthy prize fund and shepherd the competition until it achieves the kind of success Robyn hoped to see. To this end, we are grateful for the generous support of our generous patrons: